Monday, November 4, 2013

Intro to PJ students practice what they've been preached

   Scholastic photojournalists – it’s finally time for you to practice what I’ve been preaching for the past two months.
   You, as Intro to PJ students, have prepped for this moment by doing the following assignments:
1.     First, you learned about social media, and then set up your social media accounts with Blogger and Twitter.
2.     Then you learned what news is. You studied an issue of the Toledo Blade, and had to indentify the many parts that make up a newspaper - like the flag, jumpline and pullout quote. You also viewed Poynter Institute’s What is News NewsU tutorial.
3.     Next up: Ethics, law, copyright and the First Amendment lessons, which included learning the NPPA Code of Ethics and taking the SPLC First Amendment quiz.
4.     To break up the book learning, you got to shoot an assignment with your cell phone cameras.
5.     You also learned how to write concise, accurate photo captions. In this block of instruction you were introduced to the AP Stylebook. By the way, I think it’s very cool that the AP has a paid service to their style quizzes, which you tackled together as a team.
6.     And lastly, we went over your camera controls once again. Sure, most of you have already taken B&W 1, Digital 1 and Color Photography, but unless you shoot every single day, figuring out equivalent exposures can get a little rusty.
   This week you finally get to shoot your first real photojournalism assignment – features. So, get out there and knock on your beat’s door and give them the coverage it deserves! Don't forget to let them know they can then read all about it on your blogs!

Below is a screen grab by Intro 2 PJ student Parth Pitroda. It's his homework assignment on cell phone photography.
    I find it interesting that Parth believes cell phone cameras are substandard to DSLR photography. Sure, the cheaper phones certainly are, but he has an iPhone!
Can you really tell that these two photos are from a cell phone? I can't.
Parth's blog post on cell phone photography.

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